Shree Durga Devi English Medium School, a unit of Jnanaratna charitable trust(R), Niddodi conducted a career guidance programme for student on *18/08/2023* . Prof. Ronald pinto was presently director of instirute training programme were the chief guest. Mr. Ganesh shetty a president of lions club Niddodi- kallamundkur, Mrs. Saritha G. Shetty first vice president of lions club Niddodi- kallamundkur, Mr. Lazarus Dcosta past president, Mr. Girish konchadi secretary of lions club Niddodi -kallamundkur, Mr. Yashwantha shetty treasurer of lions club Niddodi -kallamundkur, ITI principal Mrs. Anuradha salian, school head mistress Mrs. Yashwitha and assistant head mistress Mrs. Suma were present in the dias. This program MC was done by Ms. Srivani, Ms. Jayashree welcomed the gathering. After that Prof. Ronald pinto has given speech about career guidance and student they have asked the questions regarding on the programme.This program was ended with vote of thanks by Ms. Deekshitha.