On 8th November 2021 life skill training programme in our school by Prajna Salaha kendra Mangalore.
Our 10th standard girls actively participated in this session. The session included the issues on student’s life, social skills, positive attitude, setting goals ect. Various activities were conducted by the team.This session was help the students to understand the importance of key life skills and values.
Our Admin manager Mr. K Raghavendra Bhat, Mr.William Samuel project coordinator of Prajna Salah Kendra.Resource person Dr.John Clarence Miranda Cluster. Co-ordinator Mr.Ashok counselor Mrs. pavithrakshi, Resource persons Reshma Jogi and kavya,our ITI Principal Mrs.Anuradha Salian, Incharged Headmistress Mrs.suma, our teaching and Non-teaching staff’s present on this occasion.